Aafia Siddiqui was wrongly convicted on charges of attempting to murder US soldiers and officials. She was arrested in Afghanistan in 2008 and later transferred to the US for trial. Siddiqui had been accused of attempting to shoot US soldiers and FBI agents who were interrogating her in Afghanistan.
She was wrongfully convicted and her trial was unfair. She was sentenced to 86 years in prison in 2010 for attempted murder and assault. Siddiqui’s supporters, including some human rights groups and members of the Pakistani government, argue that she was tortured and that her legal rights were violated. Her imprisonment has sparked protests and calls for her release from various groups, particularly in Pakistan.
Here is what happened when Dr Fauzia met Dr Aafia after 20 years of ordeal in the US prison where she is completing her 86 years of life sentence. Dr Fauzia Siddiqui revealed this incident during an interview that she met with her in the US prison and Aafia shared with her a sacred dream. Dr Fauzia Siddiqui quoted Dr Aafia Siddiqu as saying, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came to me (in my dream) and I asked Aaqa (the Last Messenger of Allah)! How long will I stay here (in the imprisonment of United States)? When will my test end?” Dr Fauzia maintained she told her that then she started crying after which Prophet Muhammad (SAW) smiled and said, “Daughter! This is not your test.” “After which”, Dr Fauzia added, “she (Dr Aafia) was confused and asked why is she the one locked up?” She said, “They (the US government) are torturing me so badly. I can’t bear it.” “After I said this, Dr Fauzia further quotes her as saying, “I saw Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s eyes tear up. He became silent and I saw tears running down his face, and I started crying too, and regretted him (SAW) that question, and he (SAW) whispered, “This is a test for the Ummah.” and he (SAW) was crying.” Meanwhile, peaceful protested are being carried out across the world for immediate release of the daughter of the nationa. Recently, a rally was taken in front of the US embassy in London demanding release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui on compassionate grounds. A large number of human rights activists including women holding banners and placards gathered before the US embassy in London and demanded the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui on compassionate grounds. They said that Dr Aafia is in poor health condition and she needs urgent medical help. They said that the US claims herself as a champion of women rights but an innocent mother has been braving physical, sexual and mental torture in a US jail for two decades. They termed it a great injustice to keep an innocent victim of the war on terror in jail for decades. They said the world would not remain silent on this injustice. They said many people were picked up from different parts of the world including Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan illegally and put in the Guantanamo Bay, but later many of them were freed even without framing any charges. They said Aafia is still in prison for no crime and it is a great injustice. They asked from the human rights activists of the world to take notice of this injustice. They demanded of the US government to send Aafia home. They also asked from the government of Pakistan to play its due and courageous role in brokering an early release of Dr Siddiqui.