Empowering education with financial aid and scholarships
LAHORE: (PR) Higher education has long been a cornerstone of progress, promoting tolerance, innovation, and stronger communities across Pakistan and the globe. Despite prevalent economic challenges, a quality university education remains a tool that empowers individuals, fosters independence, and unlocks a world of opportunity. For 160 years, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), has championed this vision.

FCCU s robust financial aid programs go beyond simply covering costs. They play a vital role in building a vibrant and diverse campus community, one that reflects the richness of Pakistan. For many students, these scholarships not only unlock a world of academic exploration but also experiences that shape their lives and equip them for future success.

Over the last few years, Pakistan has faced formidable challenges, including a pandemic, floods, earthquakes, and politico-economic upheaval. With service at the core of the university s motto, FCCU responded by offering immediate relief to students affected, while also working tirelessly to increase its general scholarship fund.

In the 2022-23 academic year alone, FCCU awarded over PKR 338 million in scholarships to 2,317 students. This isn t just an investment in education – it s an investment in Pakistan s future. In the subsequent academic year (2023-24), FCCU exceeded expectations by awarding PKR 430 million in scholarships across all levels – Intermediate, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate.

FCCU s scholarship program is fueled by a network of supporters – alumni, faculty, staff, foundations, philanthropists, and corporate partners – who share FCCU s vision. The goal is clear: ensure all qualified students can receive higher education, regardless of their social, economic, or religious background, contributing to a brighter future. This generation of Forman graduates, following in the footsteps of over 30,000 alumni, will undoubtedly leave their mark, embodying the college s motto: "By Love Serve One Another."