The US based research reveals due to heatwaves and extremely hot weathers, the risks of premature births increase among women.
Experts reviewed the records of more than 50 million pregnant women from different cities in the US from 1993 to 2017.
Experts compared the births and the changing weather conditions, especially from the months of March to October, and found that women are more likely to give premature births due to the hot weather.
The research, conducted during the span of 25 years, revealed that more than 2.1 million babies were born before completing 37 weeks of pregnancy.
The term “pre-term birth” is generally used for babies born between week 37 and 39 of pregnancy.
Many health problems become chronic in babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy.
Experts have also revealed that if a woman remains under heatwave for four consecutive days of her pregnancy, chances of a pre-mature birth increase by two percent.
Similarly, effects are more serious with longer contact with heatwave.