Speaking to the media outside Adiala Jail, Barrister Gohar said that they are waiting for the government to provide an update on the progress, adding that Irfan Siddiqui is the spokesperson of the government’s negotiation committee and it is not appropriate for him to cause a delay in the talks. He added that the discussion in their meeting focused on the law and order situation, and there should be no issue raised over it.
The PTI chairman further stated that they want to continue negotiations with the government, but their condition is that a judicial commission must be formed. If the commission is not formed, there will be no point in continuing negotiations. He emphasized that the government should focus on the talks, as the success of the negotiations is also Pakistan’s success.
Barrister Gohar also mentioned that he has always said that negotiations should be focused on with patience and restraint, and instead of rushing, progress should be made cautiously. Regarding the invitation for Donald Trump’s inauguration, he clarified that such invitations are not issued officially but are decided by Trump’s election committee