Protesters in Germany call for end to Islamophobia
BERLIN: (Web Desk) Thousands of protesters took out a march through Hamburg over the weekend calling for an “righteous caliphate” or Islamic governance system in Germany and clutching signs that declared, “Caliphate is the solution”, New York Post reported.

 March organizer Joe Adade Boateng, who leads Muslim Interaktiv, said Germany needed a “righteous caliphate” to rectify the misrepresentation Muslim groups have faced in the media.

“We will raise our voices together, inshallah,” a translated post on X read. “Together against Islamophobic reporting, both in recent weeks and in recent months.”

The group has been growing in popularity across social media, particularly on TikTok where it has amassed more than 24,000 followers.

Videos of the Saturday rally showed demonstrators chanting “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great,” and carrying copies of the local tabloid newspaper, Bild, with stories about Islam that had been smeared with red paint.

The demonstration was organized by the Muslim Interaktiv, which is currently being investigated by Hamburg’s domestic intelligence for “extremism,” according to The Telegraph.

The group’s leader, Joe Adade Boateng, declared Germany needed a “righteous caliphate” to rectify the misrepresentation Muslim groups have faced in the media.

Video captured over 1,100 protesters marching through Hamburg on Saturday with signs reading “Caliphate is the solution.”

Hamburg police told German newspaper Die Welt that there were at least 1,100 participants.

Former Miss Ecuador contestant Landy Párraga Goyburo was shot and killed by two gunmen in broad daylight after she had been linked to notorious gang boss Leandro Norero, who tried to keep their connection hidden.

Muslim Interaktiv wrote on social media that the demonstration was intended to take a stand against the “demoniz[nation of] all Islamic life in Germany.”

Muslim groups have been outspoken in their criticism of Germany’s support for Tel Aviv ever since war broke out between Israel and Hamas on Oct. 7, with many calling for more radical action in response.

Police said there were at least 1,100 protesters present at the march on Saturday.

Muslim Interaktiv had previously organized a demonstration of 3,500 people against the public burning of the Koran in Sweden in February of last year. They also held an anti-Israel demonstration after the Oct. 7 attack.

Andy Grote, the Hamburg interior senator from the Social Democratic Party, singled out the group earlier this month as he called for “hard and decisive action” to be taken against Islamic extremists.

Other German politicians have also called out the group for its extremism, with some wondering how they have not been banned for their connections with Hizb ut-Tahrir, a pan-Islamist, fundamentalist political organization that looks to reestablish a caliphate.