A Robot that detects killer diseases by smelling breath
robotic nose
LAHORE: (Web Desk) Scientists have developed a robotic nose that can detect deadly diseases from patients’ breath.

According to the Daily Star, scientists have created a powerful robotic nose that can detect serious illnesses, find rotten fruit, and can identify dangerous gases.

Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology stated that the robotic nose named “Ant Nose” has the ability to identify disease in odors with 97% accuracy. It is more powerful than both the human and dog’s nose. Notably, the robotic nose uses simple and inexpensive “antenna technology” that is already present in our mobile phones and TVs.

Professor Michael Schiefina explained, “We are actually surrounded by devices like phones and TVs, which use antenna technology for communication”.

Current electronic devices that detect odors work similarly to the human nose and require expensive sensors covered with special materials.

However, the robotic nose works differently; it sends radio signals that detect specific chemicals in the air, known as VOCs, which are also found in the breath of patients and help in diagnosing diseases.

Researcher Yu Dong believes that the advanced technology of ant nose will prove revolutionary in detecting diseases at an early stage, and potentially save many lives.