Two planes narrowly escape a collision on Mumbai Airport runway
MUMBAI: (Web Desk) A collision between two aircrafts on the runway of a busy airport was narrowly escaped as one plane took off and another landed.

 The incident involved Air India and IndiGo aircraft, both using the airport's single runway at the same time on Saturday, as reported by Indian media.

A video shows an Air India flight from Mumbai to Trivandrum accelerating for takeoff just as an IndiGo flight from Indore was about to touch the tarmac. In India, air traffic controllers can authorise up to two departures and two arrivals within a three-minute window, although this interval can be shortened if visibility conditions are favourable.

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), India’s aviation authority, has launched an investigation into the near-miss and has suspended the air traffic controller who was on duty during the incident.

A DGCA spokesperson said, "We are conducting a probe and have already de-rostered the ATCO involved in the incident.” Both airlines are also conducting their own investigations into the incident.

An Air India spokesperson told local media: "AI657 from Mumbai to Trivandrum was on take-off roll on June 8. The Air India aircraft was cleared by Air Traffic Control to enter the runway and subsequently cleared for take-off.

"The Air India aircraft continued with the take-off roll in accordance with laid down procedures. An investigation has been initiated by the authorities to find out more about the clearance given to the airlines."