Prof Yunus Çengel, the Professor Emeritus at the University of Nevada, Reno, USA and the founding dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Adnan Menderes University in Aydin, Turkey, made the prediction while responding to various questions like where will be science in a hundred years.
In a video presented by Towards Eternity on Youtube, the Muslim scientist responded to various questions such as: “İs the statement “Most scientists are atheists?” true?, “Why do smart people cannot arrive at the conclusion of metaphysical realm?”, “İs Prof Yunus free to publish articles that refer to a Creator?”, “God has established a perfect system or just left it to function by itself?”, “Respond to the argument “God Of The Gaps”, and “Scientific explanation of the concept of the soul.
The host asked, “Is the statement “most scientists are atheists” true?”, “Why is there such a perception?” “and it is thought that the more one is involved in science, farther they move away from faith. What do you think about it?”
The scientist answered, “Well, if you look at the statistics, with people and with scientists, like the general population bout the 90 percent, they believe in a creator. If you look at the scientists in the world, that ratio is about 50pc. That is more than half of the scientists in the latest search I have seen, they believe in a higher being, higher authority, a creator. Therefore, the notion of scientists, you know “don’t believe in God”, it is not true.”
“That is,” he explained, “the research does not support that. Because most of them do. But probably those who don’t, they speak maybe louder, so that we hear them a lot, or they attract a lot of attention that way.”
Explaining the fields of science and religion, he said, “But, there is nothing between science and belief that is incompatible because science simply deals with the observable existence, physics. Religion deals with nonphysical things, like deities, angels…”
“Therefore, when a scientist says, for example, “oh yes, there is a God.” It reflects his or her belief. When a scientist says, “Oh! There is no life after death,” for example, it refelects his or her belief. Nothing to do with science. But sciences does not necessitate disbelief,” he concludes.
Meanwhile, he predicted that in 50 years, when people look back at our time, it will seem like the Stone Age.
The host asked, “Where will be science in a hundred years?’ and the great scientist replied, “Probably anything we hear about the future like 50, 100 years from now, everything is wrong.”
“I can also give you my prediction. But again, I will be off by a large margin. Why?, because we are thinking, using what we see today, what we have today. We simply make extensions of them,” he explained. “But probably in 50 years or 100 years, we will have such things that we haven’t even imagined. That is beyond human imagination. It will be very exciting. And the good things will be amazing. But the bad things also will be very scary.”
Regarding perception of non-physical substance existing in the universe, the scientist said, “I mentioned dark matter, dark energy. We cannot perceive them. We cannot measure them. We cannot sense them. We know they are there. They exist but they don’t interact with physics. And now imagine, we understand dark matter, dark energy better, and we have control of it. We have let’s say, ability to manipulate it. It will be a new game in the universe. That is, we will be able to do things with raw material, which is nothing at all of the physical world…still exerting an influence.”
“So,” he maintained, “it is difficult, really, to imagine the future. But certainly, I think, the 50 years from now, when the people look at back to our time, this time will look like the Stone Age.”
He noted, “Therefore, I think, our prediction about the future as to what we will have, it will fall very short from what we will actually have.”
Yunus Çengel received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from North Carolina State University in USA. Before joining ADU in 2012, he held the position of the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Yildiz Technical University YTU and as Advisor to President at Scientific and Technological Research Council on international cooperation.
He also served as advisor to several government organizations and private companies. Professor Çengel is the author or coauthor of several widely adopted textbooks published by McGraw-Hill. His books have been translated into several languages.
He has given numerous seminars, wrote article and prepared reports on a variety of topics. Engineer by training with the inborn traits of critical thinking and inquiring mind, he has a special interest in the pursuit of reality in the light of logical consistency, experiential conformity and compliance with confirmed scientific findings.