As per reports, January 5, 2025 is the last date to get benefit from the free solar panel scheme. The residents are required to send their ID card number (CNIC) to 8800 via SMS or register online through the PITB-designed portal for registration.
In a bid to provide relief to people of Punjab, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched this free solar programme on 6 December 2024.
The programme is aimed at providing free solar panels to residents of the Punjab, particularly those who use 100 to 200 units of electricity.
According to details, 100,000 solar systems will be distributed over the next year under the programme. Those consumers who use up to 100 units of electricity monthly will receive 550-watt solar systems, while those consume up to 200 units will receive 1100-watt solar systems.
It is expected that the program will significantly reduce electricity bills for eligible consumers. It will also contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing carbon emissions by approximately 57,000 tons annually.
In order to ensure transparency, a computerised balloting system will be used to choose beneficiaries. The process of verification will comprise the reference and CNIC numbers on monthly electricity bills. Moreover, a helpline will be set up to help consumers with the registration and installation processes.
To prevent theft, the authorities emphasised that the solar panels and inverters will be linked to the consumers’ CNICs. The reports highlight that while promoting renewable energy in Punjab, the initiative is expected to lower the federal government’s subsidy burden.